Why Israel Uses India to Make Chemical Weapons Against Iran? | Genetic Engineering | White News

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لماذا تستخدم إسرائيل الهند لصنع أسلحة كيماوية ضد إيران؟ | الهندسة الوراثية | وايت نيوز

For the first time, genetic studies on the archipelago's people by a team led by K. Thangaraj at the CSIR-Centre & Israeli Scientists, for Cellular and Molecular Biology (CCMB) have revealed that the majority of human ancestry in Lakshadweep is largely derived from South Asia, with minor influences from East and West Eurasia. Furthermore, no trace of early human migration across the Lakshadweep islands was discovered. DNA samples from 557 people from eight major islands were analyzed for mitochondrial DNA and 166 people for Y chromosome markers.
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